
Msmpeng exe high memory usage
Msmpeng exe high memory usage

msmpeng exe high memory usage msmpeng exe high memory usage

And sometimes Windows Defender starts scanning this file which causes a high CPU usage issue. If you right-click on Antimalware Service Executable and choosing the “Open file location” option, it will show you a file named MsMpEng.exe, located C:\Program Files\Windows Defender. Prevent Windows Defender From Scanning Itself Now switch to the Conditions tab and uncheck all four options, Then click OK. first Uncheck Run with highest privileges. Here find a task named “Windows Defender Scheduled Scan” and double-click on it to open the Properties window. Here under Task Scheduler (Local) -> Task Scheduler Library -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Windows Defender Press Windows + R, type taskschd.msc, and ok to open the Task Scheduler window. Fortunately, you can turn them off manually by changing a few options in Windows Task Scheduler. In several cases, this high usage issue occurs because Windows Defender continuously runs scans, which are managed by scheduled tasks. Turn Off All Scheduled Tasks Of Windows Defender It will automatically enable it when it doesn’t find any AntiVirus software installed on your PC. To do this Go to Settings> Update & Security > windows security -> Virus & threat protection > Virus & threat protection settings and disable Real-time protection. However, if you feel like it’s taking too many of resources, you can turn off the real-time protection. We did not recommend to disable Antimalware Service Executable As this protect your system for ransomware attack which can lock down your files. Should I disable Antimalware Service Executable? Also sometimes corrupted system files, Disk drive failure, Virus malware infection or any windows service stuck running on the background also cause High CPU usage on Windows 10. Another reason for High CPU, Memory, and Disk usage or system became unresponsive is its Full Scan, which performs a comprehensive check of all files on your computer. The most common reason for Antimalware Service Executable High CPU Usage is the real-time feature which is constantly scanning files, connections, and other related applications in real-time, which is what it is supposed to be doing (Protect In Real Time).

Msmpeng exe high memory usage