To reduce the frustration generated by this operator, the ballistic shield flash cool-down has been increased (from 2 to 7 seconds.).
To reduce the effectiveness of his Evil eyes, its bulletproof windows will now be half-way opened when affected EMPs or Shock Drones.
The AUG-A3 damage is increased to 33 (from 27).
We have reduced the TCSG12 total ammunition to 51 (from 61).
In order to make Ying’s Candelas more intuitive and simple, we have inverted the cooking mechanic.
Added an idle sound cue to activated Airjabs.
After that, they will start to fall due to gravity.
The arrows follow a straight trajectory until 10 meters.
The area takes 2 seconds to reach its maximum size.
Increased the number of charges from 2 to 3.
Reduced the ability cool-down from 27 to 15 seconds.
Reduced the scanning from 4 to 2 seconds.
Reduced the ability warning from 3 to 1.5 seconds.
Replaced the scan outline by a red ping debuff.
(Hotfix delivered to PC and Luna last week.
Round timer shows incorrect time remaining on Stadia.
C4 turns white on the new Nitro Cell model.
Shield skins are not previewed in 3D in the Weapon Skins category of the Shop.Thumbnails for shield skins are missing from the Battle Pass purchase side-panel.
Player is able to exit rappel with Osa's Talon-8 Shield equipped.
Animation is missing when player tries to exit rappel with Osa's Talon-8 Shield equipped.
Pulse's Cardiac Sensor appears to be stuck on the "Connecting." screen when a player views Pulse in Support Mode.
Game crashes when Mira's Black Mirror is ejected while an active Cluster Charge is attached to it.
Various LOD issues on Yacht and Tower maps.
Rappel exploit allows players to reach location that should be inaccessible on new Coastline map.
Multiple issues with planting or picking up the defuser in specific areas on various maps.