Instead, you can buy a better runabout type for Energy Credits. However, I do not recommend using the freebie shuttle as they have no Bridge Officer slots at all. Once you progress to a certain part in the story line (applicable for all factions) you will receive a free shuttle craft along with a free ship slot in order to use it. These fighters differ from shuttles in that they are even more maneuverable and have the ability to equip dual cannons. The game also features a handful of fighter craft.

Although they aren’t as heavily armed as a starship, they are very fast and maneuverable. These small craft typically have 1-2 Bridge Officer stations and only two forward weapon slots. What is a shuttle and how are they used in game?Ī shuttle is a small craft that is used in mission content where a full sized starship is unnecessary or unable to be used. I’m going to start at the very beginning. I know that most of this is going to be common sense to most of the older vets, but I’ve seen enough people struggling with this to warrant a write up. So I’ve decided to write up a quick guide to hopefully help out those who still struggle with the shuttle content. Finishing a match with a full team is rare these days. Sometimes I get matches where my entire team spends most of the fight blowing up and respawning. They eventually get frustrated enough and leave the match.

Nearly every match I run, at least one person blows up over and over and over and over again. However, I’ve noticed that people are having a hard time with the few missions that we do have. I know that right now there isn’t that much shuttle content in the game (as of this post). Star Trek Online Shuttles Guide by lan451