I just hold q, then while running backwards on flatland map, I spam that npc a little, then I remove them all. Warzone, Innocent Bystander, Bad Friend – For these, you disable npc ai, then spam the npc to then get it, just remember to use the remover tool for all removals if you haven’t gotten the remover achievement. Secret Phrase – I’ll just tell you, it’s “bloxwich”, and you type it in the chat window, or on command prompt by using the say command, then putting the words in quotes (e.g ).
The 4 uploading related ones (e.g get 10 likes, get 100, ect) – I don’t know how to traffic people onto the items well. Meet Garry (Yes, I am the real garry!) – Veeeery hard to find him, and you obviously can’t cheat achievements, I guess get lucky. Every Time Achievement (e.g Play game for a week, stay on server for 8 hours, ect) – Obvious.
Play Multiplayer – Obvious, just find a server. Play Singleplayer – You probably already have this. So you want to get all the achievements, huh? Well you’ve come to the right place! This text is most likely poorly written, but you can help me improve it! Stuff I Don’t Have Much to Add to